At the outset, let me take this time to wish you all a Happy New Year. It is my biggest hope that 2025 brings you success, endless opportunities, good health and happiness in everything you do. Let us achieve our dreams and goals for 2025.

Furthermore, I extend deep and sincere gratitude to you all for all the support you gave me in my leadership of the city in whatever capacity, shape or form. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the invaluable support accorded me for the purpose of a planned, healthy, clean and a safe city.

We provided our best to achieve some of our goals, struggled in some areas but the striving power in all of us to realise the outcomes of the NCDC Board directive was evident. For this, I plead for us to improve on the downfalls with commitment to achieving results in 2025 and we must continue to work together in one accord for the good of our city and its residents.

The beginning of the year is a significant time to reminisce the year gone by and direct our thoughts to the next 365 days.

I hope that as we welcomed the New Year, each of us spared some time to reflect on our plans for 2025 as individuals, families and as professionals based on our performances in 2024. It is my fervent hope that in our respective reflections, improvements to our personal lives, work and other important obligations were the first and foremost thoughts in each of us.

There can never be a good time to learn from our downfalls than to use the occasion of the beginning of a brand new year as a perfect starting point to bring about the desired success in our different walks of life.

And as we begin the year in the Commission, I would strongly encourage all of us that we start by reflecting on the year 2024.

Let us ask serious questions on how we fared last year, reviewing our rates of accomplishments and successes, assessing our approaches and more importantly plotting the required improvements for a better turn over in 2025.

In the process of contemplating the New Year, the number one thought that should feature prominently in all of us as employees of NCDC is our mandated obligation to serve the city residents.

In a friendly reminder to all of us, we are obligated under the municipal charter of NCDC as the municipal authority to serve the people of Port Moresby to the best of our ability. Our being in the Commission is service oriented and that must remain our priority as long as we are duly recognised employees of NCDC.

So, I thought I should issue this reminder in this early days of the New Year as we prepare to assess the road ahead in 2025.

Success and happiness do not come easy in life. These outcomes come from sheer hard work. Simply put, let us work harder this year in our respective capacities and in our respective directorates to improve on from last year to achieve more good results.

Let us undertake improved approaches and leadership this year to effectively carry out our roles and responsibilities we are entrusted with in service to the city and people of Port Moresby.

Our combined goal is to better serve the city and its residents with the utmost obligation for a better Port Moresby in structure and in modernity.

The betterment of our city starts with NCDC and this undertaking lies in the hands of every single staff of the Commission. A professional approach to work is therefore reiterated on this occasion of the start of the New Year to achieve our goals in the most effective systematic manner.

As a general observation on our operations, we seem to be reacting to situations in the city. It is encouraged that we deviate from this reactive approach and be more proactive to issues at hand to better manage situations than waiting to be told when the situations get bigger and worse.

This year 2025 will mean a lot to us as a nation. Our nation Papua New Guinea will be marking 50 years of nationhood and this indeed is a remarkable achievement by any standards for a country so diverse in culture, tribe and language to remain solidly united thus far. Let us learn from our progress as a nation and be motivated to give our best for our city.

This will be a milestone achievement for our nation and as the capital city of Papua New Guinea, NCDC as the municipal government of the city will be relied on to set the stage to make this Golden Jubilee anniversary of our nation very special and significant for all of us. Hence, the more reason for my call for commitment and dedication to our duties to reflect this special occasion.

Let us continue to help each other with our respective roles and responsibilities to achieve our respective aims and objectives this year and together we can bring about an even better Port Moresby.

Looking forward to more co-operation and support for a successful 2025 in NCDC and in Port Moresby.

May God lead us and guide us as we embark on the 2025 journey for more accomplishments in success and prosperity.

Thank you.


City Manager