
Community & Social Services

Urban Safety

THE National Capital District Commission caters for the safety of Port Moresby through three different areas - crime prevention, disaster management, and city policing.

Crime-diversionary Program:  

The Yumi Lukautim Mosbi (Let Us Look After Moresby) Project is a crime-diversionary project initiated under the Law and Justice Sector Program, co-funded by the governments of Australia and Papua New Guinea and spearheaded by the National Capital District Commission initially when it started in 2004. It was set up to help marginalised NCD youths with skills upgrading and job placement. About 2013, the project came under the full management of NCDC and placed under the care of the Urban Safety Division. YLMP still continues to work with settlement youths in outreach and empowerment programs to help them find a better life instead of resorting to crime as a means of survival.

Disaster Management:

  NCDC also handles issues dealing with threats facing Port Moresby. The City has not yet faced any major disaster relating to the weather or manmade disasters. Most imminent are flash floods along storm water drains during monsoons where several people are reported to have been washed away.

Police Support

: The NCDC Reserve Police comprise 70 members with 100 more currently being recruited. These members come from within NCDC as well as outside. They are passed through with proper police training at the Royal PNG Constabulary headquarters. The NCDC Reserve Police are divided into eight teams, stationed to look after eight locations in the City. NCDC Reservists do foot and motorised patrols, assist in NCDC operations such as demolitions, evictions and inspections as well as helping in the general upkeep of peace and order in the City.