City Sivarai


August 15, 2023

The Minister for Transport and Civil Aviation, Hon. Walter Schnaubelt, has assured the National Capital District Commission (NCDC) of his commitment to deliver a public transport service in the city that is efficient, affordable, reliable, clean, and safe.

Sharing a common goal and vision with NCDC, Minister Schnaubelt said he wanted to ensure all processes must be followed for NCDC to get a public transport system that will contribute to the city's growth, development, and transformation.

Minister Schnaubelt said once the new Road Transport Authority board is in place, this public transport agenda will be amongst its first business.

Minister Schnaubelt, a city resident himself, commended Governor Parkop and the City Manager, Mr. Frank, for transforming the city.

On Monday morning, the National Capital District Commission reactivated dialogues with the Ministry and the Department of Transport and Civil Aviation on aligning its planned city vision with public transport in the city.

Initiated by NCD Governor Hon. Powes Parkop, Minister Schnaubelt, and Secretary Mr. Roy Mumu hosted relevant senior officers from NCDC and NCD Governor’s Office, led by Governor Parkop and City Manager Mr. Ravu Frank at their Enga Haus Office in 7-Mile.

The NCDC team comprises Strategic Planning, Engineering, Amazing Port Moresby, and Transport Divisions.

The meeting aimed to find a way to address the public transport needs and for a better public transport service in the city.

During the meeting, Governor Parkop highlighted that the current public transport arrangement is profit-oriented, not service-oriented as it should be.

Showing how critical this agenda is to the municipal government, Governor Parkop stated that the current public transport service provided by the private operators is not befitting the city.

Governor Parkop pointed out that the PMV Buses are unfortunately only operating during peak hours, making them unreliable, unaffordable, and inefficient.

Public Transport function, he said, is amongst health and education functions which NCDC does not have direct control over.

Using the opportunity, Governor Parkop flagged workable public transport models used overseas, a State-owned and operated, Municipal Government owned and operated, and Public-Private Partnership.

Governor Parkop said Eda City Bus (ECB) has been in operation for over a year since its launch on April 19th, 2022.

He added that the reliable, efficient, clean, safe, and affordable Eda City Bus initiative is a testament to what NCDC is capable of.

Giving an update on the ECB, City Manager Mr. Frank said NCDC’s school bus program serves 32,000 students per month while ECB serves 20,000 commuters monthly.