
City Sivarai


Governor Parkop holds 2nd WED Meeting @ City Hall

In 2 months, the whole world will get together to celebrate the 2023 World Environment Day (WED), and preparations for Port Moresby's participation have already begun.

NCDC has already set in place arrangements and engagements to organize and celebrate this important event with more emphasis towards positive action.

This year's events will be more focused on translating the awareness of World Environment Day into strategic actions that are meaningful and pave the way for the protection of our environment now and into the future. Schools, youth groups, communities, and the city at large will be involved to participate in positively impacting the city's environment.

The climate emergency is real and is affecting many vulnerable parts of the world. We have recently witnessed heavy rainfalls that are unprecedented and caused havoc in the city. Floods, extreme heat waves, and thunderstorms have shown us that Mother Nature is important, and we must take action to protect the environment we live in. It is not just about cleaning the city and planting trees. It is about taking action in our city through cooperation and collaboration and educating our future generations through school curriculums about the importance of a clean and green society.

This year's World Environment Day theme is "Solutions to Plastic Pollution" We need to protect our land, air, and seas from the damaging effects of plastic pollution.

Come June 5th, we ask all you city residents to come along and join us to protect Mother Nature and the Earth we live in.

Watch this space for more updates on activities and events that you can be a part of this World Environment Day.